A Night At The Movies

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One of the interesting things about War of the Worlds (aside from the fact that John Williams wrote a score that didn’t rip off any number of late Romantic composers, starting with Strauss and Rachmaninov) is that there are a large number of scenes with very little to no dialogue. For some directors, this would have been a problem; but for Spielberg, these are opportunties to show off his mastery of visual storytelling.

Oh, and they showed the trailers for King Kong and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe—they look much, much better on the big screen than they do on TV.

And one more thing—the official title of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe is the rather unwieldly The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, which suggests that they’re planning on making a franchise out of it. However, if memory serves, it’s going to be somewhat difficult to make movies out of the other books, because

  1. The other books in the Narnia series weren’t as good
  2. They generally don’t feature the same characters
  3. Some of them are essentially unfilmable, anyway

Another question is how are they going to handle the Catholic propaganda symbolism in the books…

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