Recently in Vid Category

Cute stop-motion video

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The redhead doesn’t hurt, either.


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Pixar does it again (now in higher quality due to this hack) in this cute little companion film to Wall•E.

On Language

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A classic bit of Fry and Laurie. Originally found via David Weinberger.

New Opening Sequence for Battlestar Galactica

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No description

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Yeah, too bad about crappy video quality, but then again, that’s not entirely the point.

Death Star 2.0 over San Francisco

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Perhaps not quite as jaw-dropping as the Olga Korbut video, but still, seeing an Imperial Star Destroyer over the Bay Bridge is pretty impressive.

Olga Korbut, 1972

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This is just breathtaking.

Two great tastes that go together

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Paging Engulf & Devour

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Fans of the movie WALL•E (and really, if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it—it’s the best movie I’ve seen so far this year and may very well be the best movie of the year) will get a kick out of the official corporate website for the conglomerate Buy n Large.

Among the many little bits buried in the site are a privacy policy that lays claim to your soul; a ‘news story’ that sees anti-capitalist demonstrations as marketing opportunities; a shopping drug with side effects that include “an inclination to read the works of Leon Trotsky”; a story that plugs a minor plot hole in WALL•E itself; and much much more.

Check it out.

This is trippy

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Chronotopic Anamorphosis from Marginalia Project on Vimeo. Click to make it bigger.