I recycled and edited an old post to produce a gift-giving guide for Blogcritics: Ten Great Movies You Probably Haven't Seen (but probably should): A Holiday Gift Guide.
So, if you're not going to buy something from the emporium (I don't know why you wouldn't, but to each their own), you might want to check out the list at Blogcritics.
Thank you for this list -- it's wonderful. Any summation that contains a Wim Wenders creation is a good one. I'm partial to Paris, Texas, you see ... the suit and baseball cap combination is irresistible.
Excellent list. "Ikiru" is easily my favorite Kurosawa (much to everyone's dismay) and the Criterion of "La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc" is one my most prized possessions.
Yeah. The wildcard on that list is "Lost In Transit"; it's never been released on tape or DVD as far as I can tell (not even in France, at least according to amazon.fr); since I was in Hong Kong when I saw it, I don't even know if it ever had a US theatrical release (probably not). So the list of people who've seen all 10 of the films on that list probably pretty damn small.
Definite thumbs-up for "Local Hero". I need to get a copy of that. Thanks for reminding me.