Bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch, I’m slowly becoming engulfed by a creeping tide of Web 2.0-ism. After all, I’ve got,, Vox, MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, LinkedIn, and Flickr accounts (and no doubt that I’ve forgotten some). Do I use them all? Uh, no—but that’s not really the point here, is it?
I’ve given up on having a single IM account because too many of my friends use incompatible services. And now I find myself twittering along with the rest of the digerati.
As an aside, that’s an absurd number of different log-ins—but on the other hand, sometimes segregation of services is a good thing.
I feel a bit like Locutus of Web 2.0—You Will Be Assimilated.
The really sad thing is that I still don’t know what Web 2.0 means—if it means anything at all.
Whoever dies with the most accounts wins.
I've been meaning to do an inventory of all my accounts too. I'm sure it will be a ridiculous number.