Round Three


Varying degrees of difficulty here. As usual, no Google and leave your answers in the comments:

  1. The hit television show Lost was directly inspired by what other television show?
  2. In the Buster Keaton movie The General, what does the title refer to?
  3. In the kitchen, what is a mandoline?
  4. To whom did Beethoven originally dedicate his Third Symphony?
  5. Who was Leland Stanford, Jr.?
  6. What college did Steve Jobs attend?

And now, the answers to the last round:

  1. Who was the second Jewish United States Supreme Court justice?
    Benjamin N. Cardozo, who was most famous for his service as Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals. Louis Brandeis was the first.

  2. What did GIs call the Gooney Bird?
    The C-47, which was the military version of the DC-3.

  3. Where did Samuel Clemens get his pen name?
    “Mark twain” was used on riverboats to indicate a depth of two fathoms.

  4. What popular English actor is most famous for a seven-year run playing a Frenchman on a television show?
    The answer I was going for here was Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

  5. What do the initials HSBC stand for?
    Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.

  6. What was the original name of the New York Yankees?
    Prior to becoming the Yankees, they were known as the New York Highlanders. But before they moved to New York, they were the Baltimore Orioles.


5. Who was Leland Stanford, Jr.?
Way back in the day there was a server called So I assume he founded Stanford. He's also the son of Leland Stanford, Sr.

And, seriously, who the fark would possibly know those other questions?

1. The hit television show Lost was directly inspired by what other television show?
gilligans island? that's a best guess, just with the whole stranded with a bunch of crazies thing

2. In the Buster Keaton movie The General, what does the title refer to?
nope, not this one either.

3. In the kitchen, what is a mandoline?
tis a slicer for foodstuffs

4. To whom did Beethoven originally dedicate his Third Symphony?
yeah, no idea

5. Who was Leland Stanford, Jr.?,
uh, STANFORD, duh. :-)

6. What college did Steve Jobs attend?
at first, i thought this was a trick question, because isn't he a college dropout? i'm guessing a school in the northwest,(north of sacramento, west of phoenix) but i have no idea which one.

1. Gilligan? Fantasy Island?
2. The train's steam engine.
3. slicer
4. Immortal Beloved, and NO-ONE BUT der Ludster knows for sure who that is
5. The man who shot Stanford Whit on the roof of Madison Square Garden, circa 1900.
6. Gotta be what, Palo Alto, um, Stanford?

Oh! Stanford! I get it! Editorial themes: De Plane! De Train! Buster's instrument used in pitching woo! Speculation that Immortal Beloved was someone der Beetster had an affair with! Stanford shot White for diddling the wife (or fiancee)! And STANFORD FOR THE TABLE!

Well, that perks me right the fuck up!

oops, enthusiasm got the best of me, stanford white may be mistaken. but i submit it SHOULD be the answer, in service of literary theory.


A steam locomotive

food slicer


Son of L.S. , who died young, so his parents (like Mom maybe) founded a university in his memory

He dropped out of college (like that other guy whose company keeps stealing the other comapany's ideas...which are taken from yet another company whose principal product is synonymous with maybe there is some kind of post-modern justice here?) Methinks the first college was Reed, the second college was some effete hoity-toity snob joint at the far end of Mass.Ave in Cambridge.

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