Fascinating remix of Google Maps and information about Tunisian prisons.
Ms. Ansari’s blog of her vacation in outer space.
Ansari’s flickr stream… from outer space.
The Met opened its season with a public simulcast of Madama Butterfly: ‘Ron Cross, 57, visiting from Sioux Rapids, Iowa, said: “We’re from the Midwest. We don’t have things like this in the Midwest.”’
How to get free money from an ATM.
And you thought the TSA was common-sense-impaired: Ever since the terror alert last month, security personnel at British airports have prevented pilots from taking things like contact lens solution, eyeglass cases, and flight documents on board. As if a p
MPRE exams on the web. Good for practicing.
United States v. Nixon, explained.
Fermilab discovers a particle—specifically the B-sub-s meson, whatever that is—that ocsillates between matter and antimatter a mere 3 trillion times per second.
California gewürztraminer. It’s good stuff.
Paul Newman is opening a restaurant. ‘While the stunned checker grapples with the fact that Paul Newman is buying Newman’s Own salsa, he gets a kick out of saying, “It must be really good if I’m paying retail for it.”’
Alex Witchel wants her booze strong, and not watered down, dammit.