Should Be Going To Kindergarten Now


Five years ago today.

Four years ago today.

Three years ago today.

Two years ago today.

One year ago today yesterday (there wasn’t actually an entry on the fifth last year).

As they say, let’s run the numbers:

5 years
1,851 entries (including this one) (1.0137 posts per day)
3,183 comments (1.7196 comments per entry)
108 trackbacks
3,044,342 bytes of text
1,675 pages, single-spaced

Not bad for something that was started to impress a girl (didn’t work).

What were you doing five years ago?


I'm sure it's been pointed out before, but my favorite quote:

"For the record, this is not a blog ..."

At the time, it was technically true...

1) I think, five years ago, I almost left New York for good, after having quit my job and spent all my retirement savings. My blog is barely three years old, so no history there.

2) Goooooooogle ads! My, you've come up in the world.

I had graduated from law school and was at home, fighting with parents.

oh, geez, five years ago? July 2001? Looking back fondly on my late winter visit to K-Dawg in the precincts of Jersey and Manhattan.

Also, playing a gig with the band:'s/

And cutting a demo in a different ensemble:

And attending a wedding:

Five years back? Still in undergrad.

Happy Bird-day Bloggie! :) So glad to see ya come out of the diapers. (Link piss everywhere)

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