Schrodinger's Cat is Rolling Over in his Grave


So quantum computers, while still somewhat experimental, aren’t exactly cutting edge news, right? Well, a bunch of gearheads have built a quantum computer that works when it’s turned off.

Yeah, I’m not sure I get it either.


Actually, there's a 50% chance that the cat is rolling over in its grave.

...and the only way to find out is to dig him up.

A hyperfractal explains why mathematicians have searched in vain for a massless interface between two massless electronic/photonic fields. Invisible-to-invisible leaves nothing to hang an equation on. An "entanglement" isn't much better. A hyperfractal is a leap of faith that nature uses a precise pair-to-pair, field-to-field, serial-to-parallel interface direct-connected electrons-to-photons. Nature does't need a program---it's pair-to-pair embedded.
If the hyperfractal architecture works like 100 million PCs, that's proof enough. Try it!

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