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I’ll spare everyone the self-indulgent ramblings about how it’s only a number and that there’s a point where it goes from being sometihng to celebrate to being something that brings you one year closer to death and how, ultimately, it won’t matter at all, but I am vastly amusedly by the following fact:

Today, it is demonstrably true that I have simultaneously both more and less hair than I did a year ago.

Update: Fark is running stories about this ‘tragic day in history’ all day, including “Spice Girls win the Billboard Music Awards album of the year, completing the downfall of pop culture.”

Update II: And it occurred to me that I still have 365 days left in the coveted 18-34 demographic. Marketers, set your ads on “Stun”!

(and if, you’re wondering what the title of the post means, look here).


i'm guessing this post means i've missed your bday. hope it was happy!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Paul Frankenstein!
Happy Birthday to you!

Happy belated. I owe you a drink once I get through finals.

Happy bday Paul.

My hair has recently taken a definite retreat. It's that damned 34th year.

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