!desreveR esruC

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They did it! I've never heard the words "The Boston Red Sox are the Champions of baseball" before, and boy do they sound nice. And boyoboyo, the way they did it? A guy who's struggled all year pitching brilliant baseball, a sweep, and a lunar eclipse, all at the same time? Whoa.

The flip side, of course, is now I have to re-write large parts of my personal mythology. Somehow, I think I can live with that.


And, oh yeah, I made some celebratory t-shirts.

The Soxaholix on the friggin' historic victory. And here's a question: what the heck am I supposed to do with my "God Hates Us" shirt now?

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Write "Wrigley" over "Fenway" and sell it to a Cubs fan.

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