The highlight of the weekend was being introduced to a hot girl blogger (blogette?) and having the following conversation:
Me: Hi, I’m PF.
HGB: You’re PF? You’re famous!
Me: [blushing and stammering ensues]
Coming in second on the highlight list was the 20 minutes I spent chatting up a 22-year-old girl who was in a band and striking out like Jose Valentin chasing Eric Gagne’s fastball. Fortune favors the bold,but not the foolish. It was a fun 20 minutes, though…
Dude, then I'm SUPER-famous! Wheee!
I think I said something like that during the blushing and the stammering, though I have to admit that I don't remember what I said verbatim...
Heh, so which one of the people on that site was the hot girl blogger in question?
(Excuse me if I lapse into incoherence, I just woke up.)
Waitaminute! Was there a blogger blash this past weekend that I was not privy to?
Aren't bloggers women too?
(or do I mean, aren't women bloggers too?)
You know what really impresses the dames? Baseball analogies.