Got a Ticket To My Destination


Well, I guess I survived that really nasty upper respiratory infection with minimal complications. Missing a week at work wasn’t fun, though; neither was the persistant light-headedness and general fatigue. The flip side is that I lost 10 pounds in four days, so win some, lose some.

This is leading up to saying that my departure from Honkers has snuck up on me with surprising speed, so it’s time to say so long, Hong Kong. And I’ll be saying that Thursday night at 8:00 p.m. at Delaney’s in Wanchai, so if you want to join me in raising a glass to this city, drop on by…


Well, I won't make it to Wanchai on Thursday, be I'd be the first in line to meet you for a drink when you get back to NYC!

10 pounds??? You weren't kidding about being unwell (not that I thought you were). Glad you're feeling well enough to go out and have a drink!

Have a safe trip home.

Wow - that went by fast. Welcome back to NYC! Just in time for a nice batch of humidity.

Where the hell were you?!?!?!

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