Some inside baseball from the depths of the blogverse:
- Jason “what happened to the McCabe?” Calacanis completely and utterly lost it (see the comments) last week when Gothamist got a little snark up in his face. It’s simultanously funny and sad.
- A few days after that, Gothamist interviews itself. Yeah, ok then.
- Time does a story on blogs. Goin’ big time now.
- Dave Winer shuts down without any notice, deep-sixing more than 3,000 weblogs in the process. Dave says that “Four years of free service is a pretty good deal, and we’re going to help people transition.” And you know, that would have been a perfectly reasonable statement to make… if he had said it before the server shut down. Wired has a story, as does The Register. Some interesting thoughts here, here, and here.
- Some good news: SixApart has revised the licensing structure for MovableType 3.0. The short version is that restrictions on the number of weblogs have been lifted; the different tiers of pricing are for number of users only. It still seems a tad pricy, but it’s infinitely better than the old pricing.
Those IM transcripts with Calcanis are amazing. And people wonder why blogs aren't taken seriously?