Who Said That The Chinese Have No Sense of Irony?

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Apparently the People’s Bookstore wasn’t drawing enough business. Note the relative sizes and positions of the two signs.


Compare with the Mao picture from a few days ago.

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Asia by blog from Simon World on June 8, 2004 1:51 AM

By popular demand (precisely one person, but I'll take) Asia by blog is back to give you a taste of what's what in Asia recently. Firstly Hemlock finds himself waiting alone outside the HK General Post Office waiting to indulge his philately. Conrad qu... Read More

Asia by blog from Simon World on June 8, 2004 1:56 AM

By popular demand (precisely one person, but I'll take) Asia by blog is back to give you a taste of what's what in Asia recently. Firstly Hemlock finds himself waiting alone outside the HK General Post Office waiting to indulge his philately. Conrad qu... Read More