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As I head off into the night (yes, I’m packed now) a parting thought:

There are three kinds of expats:

  1. Expats who head out on a one-year assignment and come back after three months.
  2. Expats who head out on a one-year assignment and come back after three years.
  3. Expats who head out on a one-year assignment and come back after thirty years.


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A friend here in NY, who has nothing to do with the Budapest crowd, named Paul Frankenstein (yes, that's his real name), observes this on his blog as he sets off for a trip of undetermined length (three months, I Read More


I thought you're only going for three months...

But anyway, bon voyage!

And once you hit Hong Kong, you'll have a lot more thoughts on being an expatriate. Trust me and of course the rest of the Hong Kong/Chinese blogging community

Actually, in my case, I went for three months and stayed for five years, so watch out. It all comes down to meeting the right woman within a certain time frame.

Also, I don't think the lifers ever come back. I can't think of an expat who would move back after 30 years, except in a pine box.

Will I ever see you again?

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