Five Per Cent of Nothing


I know, "unemployed blogger" is so 2003. Hey, what can I do?


so are on the ticket, then?

ah, er - please insert "you" into the post above

Oh, man. That blows. Sorry, P-Frank.

Man. I'm not hanging with you and Ken anymore. Bad karma, man. Bad karma...

But you will, of course, be receiving my vote (providing that no one figures out that I'm a convicted felon in 49 states).

Wow, i'm part of a hip blogging trend and I didnt even know it... cool

Bright side: this is an exciting new Weblogsinc opportunity! Perhaps "DysEngadget"?

What the hell? When did this happen?

Crap. I'm officially passe?

Oh well. I had a good run.

You know, at one point, our little poker posse was mostly unemployed, then it was all employed, and now it is steadily declining towards unemployment again... What's that French saying... "Plus chose change, plus chose mem...?" I know I just butchered it.

What does it mean if you're employed because you have to be but not because you want to be, such as myself?

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

is this a geek test?

So in reality your poker game is a minature employment trend predictor?! Now if only you could get the Fed to pay you for the stats....

just remember - income maintenance is not the same as employment - stop by Siberia or the Bellevue Bar and I'll tell you about it...

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