T Minus Seven Days and Counting


One week to go:


Go ahead, click the logo. You know you want to.

Update: Nametags, Yea or Nay? Vote in the comments.


I did click the logo. I clicked and clicked and clicked. I hadn't any coffee yet so it took me far too long to realize there was no hyperlink associated with it...

Oh man, now there's like 60 RSVPs. I'll remember the names of maybe the first five people I meet - and that's only if I'm not drinking.

Yeah, I used to like going to these things...before they sold out!

I'm with Ken! lol
Come on Paul, it wouldn't be a bloggerbash without nametags... ;)

yes, nametags please. i suck at names.

Yes, please. I'm going to claim to be Ken. I'll tell everyone I broke my leg skiing or some such nonsense.

Nametags will not be enough. I think we need branded t-shirts.

Seeing as that I never met any of you before, but I read almost all your blogs, I vote for nametags - but with URLs instead of names.

nametags please. its been a while since i've seen some of you and my memory is definitely what it used to be.

Nametags, URLs,IP numbers, whatever.

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