Spam, Glorious Spam!


It seems that there is an epidemic of comment spam targetting Moveble Type blogs of late (see here, here, here, here, here and here).

Several of the links above have some excellent ideas on how to combat the flood. Just remember that to ban a range of IP addresses (like, say, omit the last range of numbers but leave the trailing period (like "209.210.176.").


i'm still working on it, but this information looks promising.

Aw damn. I could've used that suggestion. I've only gotten one so far, but I deleted it before I read your post.

Yeah, I've been getting these and banning IPs, which is so far all I've done. Someone was really bad about spamming one old post, so I ended up closing comments on that post. There's got to be a better approach than that, though.

Jay Allen's MT-Blacklist looks like the best solution so far.

er, that's" rel="nofollow">MT-Blacklist for the non-cut-n-paste crowd.

me too. me too!
(not too creative today)

Cool blog!

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