First, the weather:
August 31 was a clear, beautiful, sunny summer day (which is why I spent a large part of it indoors, watching movies -- but more on that in another post). September 1 was a dark, gray, foggy, misty, rainy day (and, for that matter, so is today and it looks like the rest of the week will follow). It is as if the weather was reading the calendar and slammd shut the door on a soggy and all-too-brief summer.
Monday night I had dinner at the Outback Steakhouse on 23rd Street. I've eaten at other Outbacks before and not been overwhelmed, but I gotta say that the ribeye I had last night was really, really good. I think that the difference is that I went for the "Prime Ribeye" this time; if it's not marked "Prime" on their menu, Outback uses Choice beef, which is neither as tender nor as flavorful as Prime beef. Of course, Prime is more expensive, but ya get what you pay for.
On the other hand, the sides and the appetizers were nothing to write home about -- not exactly inspired and simply competantly executed. The cheesecake was pretty good, even it it was drenched in a too-sweet rasberry sauce.
So what did you do for Labor Day weekend?
I slept in and watched some tennis. Thanks for asking.
So, what inspired you to eat at an Outback Steakhouse in The Land of a Thousand Restaurants, anyway? Too long a line at Lugar's?