No HTML allowed here -- but urls will be automagically hyperlinked.
(reason being that MovableType CAN allow HTML in comments, but there doesn't appear to any mechanism to control the HTML that people put in the comments -- you can't limit folks to just B, I, A HREF= and so on. And there is much mischief to be had in these sorts of things. Besides, the fine art of expressing yourself in just plain old text is good enough for Usenet and email; it should be good enough for comments).
roboxacet and the beverage of your choice. then start typing.
and what would Ellison say?
*fsss crack*
get ta work. think of Hong Kong tabloids and mainland reeducation camps.
then, back in perspective, carry on.
What the heck is roboxacet?
My painkiller of choice is advil (well, actually, it's Jose Cuervo, but that's a whole other ball of wax)
do you not have robaxacet in pharmaceutical land?
apparently it's great stuff. i've never had back problems so i can't tell you first hand.
ugh tequilla. first drunken experience ruined tequilla for me forever.
what - hyperlinks in MT comments don't work if hand coded?
let's try this
No HTML allowed here -- but urls will be automagically hyperlinked.
(reason being that MovableType CAN allow HTML in comments, but there doesn't appear to any mechanism to control the HTML that people put in the comments -- you can't limit folks to just B, I, A HREF= and so on. And there is much mischief to be had in these sorts of things. Besides, the fine art of expressing yourself in just plain old text is good enough for Usenet and email; it should be good enough for comments).