I'm not sure how I ended up in a hipster bar in deepest darkest Williamsburg at 2 a.m. at a table with four women I'd met only hours before in a discussion about sex toys, waxing and pubic hair.
It just sorta happened, I swear...
I'm not sure how I ended up in a hipster bar in deepest darkest Williamsburg at 2 a.m. at a table with four women I'd met only hours before in a discussion about sex toys, waxing and pubic hair.
It just sorta happened, I swear...
Atta boy! I hope something scandalous happened!!
Grrrrrrrowl! Sweet!
he who blogs first laughs last?
... and then what happened?
I'm with Mike: And then what happened!?
and you're *complaining?*
i just can't say it...
Hell, I'm not complaining, not me.
I'm just a little fuzzy on the details that led up to that point, that's all.
And here's a question for all the biochemists who read my blog: why did the hangover hit at 4 o'clock in the afternoon?
Is that a hint? ;)
well, what time'd you finish drinking?
a HA!
Ken's hangover must have been much, worse... he's all quiet.
As I am an expert in hangovers, I'd like to explain some changes that you may go through.
A hangover, when you are young, is akin to being tired. You might complain about it, you might even get some sympathy. But then, when you are finally, actually, addicted to alchohol your hangover switches to an afternoon hangover. Sometime after lunch there will be a gnawing in your brain that will slowly turn into a howling, which will turn into a blind rage whereby you will need to claw your eyes out and thrust yourself against the nearest wall. Either that, or have another drink.
"Sometime after lunch there will be a gnawing in your brain that will slowly turn into a howling, which will turn into a blind rage whereby you will need to claw your eyes out and thrust yourself against the nearest wall."
I always just thought that was from being at work.
In case me muddah is reading this I actually broke off from the pack before the posse headed east and the evening degenerated into a spiralling...um...spiral of waxing.
geez, thanks for letting me know! that sounds exactly like my kinda night out...
on the prowl,