A Canuck friend recommended Robaxacet for back pain relief. I'd never heard of it, so she sent me the link.
I did some digging, and it appears that robaxacet is not availble below the 49th parallel over-the-counter (though it is available above the 49th parallel over-the-counter).
As a funny side note, the drug is availble in three forms:
- Robaxin, which is the muscle relaxant methocarbamol;
- Robaxcet, methocarbamol combined with acetaminophen (aka Tylenol);
- and Robasixal, the muscle relaxant (and I'm quoting from the website here) "plus the pain relieving and anti-inflammatory power of ASA".
Well, I wonder, what the heck is this miracle drug "ASA"? I've never heard of it before.
I click around some more, and it turns out that "ASA" stands for acetylsalicylic acid.
Pretty fancy, eh? You've probably never even heard of acetylsalicylic acid. Unless, of course, you're the sort to actually read drug labels. And, if you are the type to read drug labels, you know that acetylsalicylic acid is a fancy way of spelling "aspirin".
double sheesh!
i'll send you some.
and i knew what ASA is - who doesn't read drug labels?
Thing is that down here in the southern (and sunnier) latitiudes, "aspirin" is a generic term (the trademark was taken away from Bayer because of World War I), so acetylsalicylic acid is ALWAYS called aspirin.
This "ASA" stuff is something that we just don't see down here.
I too can speak of the wonders of Robaxacet and learned the hard way that it isn't available otc below the 49th parallel. It's really good for back pain and does more than simple Aspirin. Claritin is another drug available otc in Canada, but requires a prescription in the U.S.
Maybe you two could start a blog about all the wonderful drugs you can get in Canada that you can't get down here....
Whatever you do, don't take it with Dihydrogen Monoxide!!!
The way things are going in Canada, that list might include marijuana fairly soon...I'm thinking of writing about that fairly soon in my own blog.