The Swanktuary


Went to a very pleasant social gathering last night that was hosted by Sparky and Glenn; not only were they elegant and pleasant hosts, but the Swanktuary truly does live up to its name.

That, and I got to watch most of the Star Wars Holiday Special again.


oh look they work!

i'm so proud of you

*gold star*

so - w/ your MT comments - do commenter's url's show up - or just their email?

That depends on what fields you fill out. If you only fill out the email field (which is required), then your email shows up. If you fill out both fields, then your url shows up.

why in your archieves don't you have the top image banner?

oh and i don't think your remember info is working.

MT is a beeyootiful thing.

No install of it I've ever encountered has consistently remembered me.

I've found it (remembing comment users) to be tempermental, at best. Sometimes it works fine, and sometimes, well, sometimes it doesn't work at all.

I think that this is something for Ben & Mena.

I can verify that the beta site renders well on Mozilla/Win. The rather nasty shade of yellow in the background of the entries is missing on Opera 6/Win (it's white), but it otherwise looks good.

I'm not referring to the background color as "rather nasty" just to be a prick. It really, truly is rather nasty on Win: it is exactly a lighter shade of phlegm when you have a bacterial infection. Looks fine on the iBook, which is probably good enough for you. It's that pesky gamma disparity at work again.

Oh, the reason for leaving off the image banner in the archives is to 1) provide a space for the title and 2) keep load times down.

The Opera 6 Beta on my Cube also doesn't render the background colors properly. C'est la vie.

Opera 7 should be out in the next month or so; perhaps it will render the background?

Re: Opera. Who knows? One hopes. I mean, if something has hopelessly non-compliant as OmniWeb can render the background colors properly, one would hope that Opera would be able to....

And for not remembering the comments, try trashing the cookies for this site and see if that makes a difference.

Basically nothing seems worth thinking about. I haven't been up to much these days. I just don't have much to say right now. I can't be bothered with anything , but whatever.

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