

I have some new neighbors. They just moved in this week. They have a yappy (and whiny, too) little dog who is going to drive me insane. Grumble. The Koreans have a very sensible way of dealing with yappy little dogs.


Dear Frankenzilla: Koreatown c/o Post A New Message

If there are any Koreans interested in jobs and volunteer opportunities in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA please e-mail me at: international27534@fijivillage.com
We would love to learn about Korea's history, language, religion, foods, dances, etc. and create a Little Koreatown District here in Downtown Goldsboro, North Carolina, USA. Thanks and I wish all the Koreans the best of luck here in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA!

Ciao for now


P.S. Write back when you get a chance too..

HI! I'am Spooler_Go_63.
Please visit my blog.

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