It’s been a while since I did a roundup on this website.
- Mitch McCabe, New Yorker and confirmed blue-stater, goes to Wyoming.
- Shauny wonders if the wrong kind of bread will doom her marriage.
- Rick Bruner lists new proposed slogans for the Republican Party. My favorite is “You Mean, This Isn’t What Jesus Would Do?” Related: he’s been covering the spectacularly inept Bush administration response to the situation in New Orleans. Unrelated: Bruner points out some of the bootylights of his recent trip to Central Europe.
- Susan Mernit compares two views of New Orleans.
- SarahSpace has been having medical misadventures.
- Entirely unsurprisingly, fellow law school victim Patrick Runkle has been ensnared in a web of cyber-accusations spun by a nutty Moonie GOP politician from Iowa. And when I say unsurprisingly, well, of all my friends, Patrick just seems to be the most likely to accidentally get a crazy moonie on his case. Though Ken Goldstein is a close second.
- Glennalicious is writerblockedicious.
- Lia is obsessed with Albert Einstein.
- Rossi wants a middle path.
- The Laid-Off-Dad family has returned from that giant space between the coasts.
- The Postmodern Courtesan experiments with talking dirty and can’t quite pull it off.
- Tony Pierce is writing about race and journalism.
- Maccers is trying a new all-nausea diet. It seems to be working.
- Mdm. Crumpet has found a very practical use for the internet: finding cheap gas.
- The very smart David Weinberger ponders the stupidity of the US Patent Office.
- Displaced New Orleansians are looking for a 1BR in Brooklyn, reports Rachel Kramer Bussel.
- Searchie writes about the great mythical river Oceanus.
- The Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum is closing!.
- Obsessed with death La Depressionada is. Though with a name like that, it seems it would follow…
- Whybark uses World Blog Day to wander through his past.
- PG notes uncanny similarities between recent Boondocks strips and her blog posts.
- The Blowhards ponder all those Russians playing injured in the US Open.
- Sparky wonders what all those people are looking for.