Just a few things before the weekend (I'll be down in DC, so no blogging for a few days):
- Go visit The Ken Goldstein Project.
- Speaking of Ken Goldstein, I should point out that he's an excellent poker player.
- As is Caryn Solly, who is quite fetching as a redhead.
- Sorry, no pictures.
- But if you come to The Big Apple Blogger Bash III, you'll get to see her in all her flame-haired glory for yourself.
- You are coming, aren't you?
- The latest (and last, unless you (and yes, I'm talking to you, not the next fellow) send some nominations in) nomination for a September theme (which I guess won't get unveiled until next week, since I won't be blogging (or anywhere near a computer, for that matter) over the weekend) is monkeys!
- This space intentionally left blank.
- Note to self: next time, don't use sweet onions.
- Good news: I'm no longer #1 on Google for Klingon G--- R---. Bad News: I'm still ranked above Wil Wheaton.