A New Toy

I think I mentioned below that the OS X Finder creates Classic Mac OS-style aliases by default. I also mentioned that you can create Unix symlinks and that the OS X Finder treats them like aliases. From the command line, however, Classic Mac OS aliases just look like files, not like symlinks. I booted back into OS 9.1 the other day—surprise, the Classic Mac Finder sees symlinks as just plain old files, not like aliases at all.

The big news is that I got a G4 Cube. It arrived yesterday. I am so far liking it very very much. Admittedly, the extent of my use so far has been:

  1. plugging it into a cable modem
  2. downloading NiftyTelnet SSH so I'll be able to read my email until I transfer all my Eudora mailboxes over
  3. downloading all the various updates to the system (I purchased it refurbished—the keyboard and mouse were brand spanking new; the assorted cables that it came with were in good condition; the speakers look fabulous and sound almost as good; the Mac itself only came with Mac OS 9, which is interesting because Mac OS 9.1 was released six months ago. That means, of course, that this is actually a pretty old computer. One hopes that it spent most of its time sitting on the shelf in a warehouse and not in actual use) which took a while (the 9.1 update by itself is 70 MB).
  4. installing Oni, breezing through the first two levels and promptly getting my ass kicked at the beginning of the third level.

The Cube is a really quiet computer. I like that a lot. It'll be on, and I'll walk right on by, not even noticing that it's on. Which is pretty impressive, particularly considering that right now it's in the middle of my living room floor.

I still need to buy a few gadgets for it—a USB hub, a USB-serial converter for my printer, and the like. But so far, I'm giving it an enthusiastic two thumbs up.

Now all I gotta do it put X on it...

Site update:

  • Reduced the default text sizes one point. This site is rather copy-intensive, and I seem to suffer from logorrhea a wee bit, so making the typefaces slightly smaller will fit more text on the page at once.
  • Installed, after a little mucking about, ispell on OS X. I now have spell-checking on all appropriate systems. The key, if anyone's interested, is that OS X's brand of Unix doesn't have /usr/local/lib (in fact, there's nothing in /usr/local). All the stuff that you'd expect to find in /usr/local/lib now lives in /usr/share instead. You also need to download the developer tools, if you don't already have them.
  • Still need to migrate the rest of the old pages over as well as insert a placeholder for the writing page.